
What are cornerstones?

Defining our company's core focuses as ‘pillars’ didn’t work. Pillars by definition are siloed, whereas our core units work in unison globally to achieve our company mission. Each unit supports the others to accomplish our business and sustainability goals.

We’re on a mission to dramatically shrink the impact of plastic waste through ECLIPSE™ solutions (patent pending), cut the carbon impact of plastic feedstock with bio-based resin systems, and improve supply chain and waste management systems with closed-loop recycling solutions.

Reducing the environmental impact of plastic

Our goal is to transform plastic into a material that will support a circular economy and regeneration model to ensure an abundant future for the planet and its inhabitants.

ECLIPSE™ Solutions

Say goodbye to plastic waste and litter

Plastic products shouldn’t be designed for thoughtless disposal. Recycling should be the objective of every plastic item produced. Unfortunately, alarming volumes of plastic litter enter our environment every day, persisting for generations. This is a battle we are losing. Our ECLIPSE™ solutions (patent pending) are based on our flagship technology that directly supports our mission to reduce the negative environmental impact of plastic.

When added to production, ECLIPSE™ guarantees that polyolefin plastic will 100% biodegrade through bio-assimilation, ultimately leaving behind zero nanoplastics.

What is bio-assimilation?

Bio-assimilation is the final stage of natural biodegradation. Our ECLIPSE™ technology (patent pending) enables polyolefin material to bio-assimilate, resulting in nothing more than CO2, water, and biomass as nature intended.

The accomplishment of bio-assimilation as a result of ECLIPSE™ has been conclusively proven by a first-of-its-kind C-13 carbon labeling test, completed and peer-reviewed by our technical partner LMPE.

What is a carbon labeling test?

The methodology of the C-13 carbon labeling test is quite simple - the test took degraded ECLIPSE™ (patent pending) material and fed it to a colony of microorganisms in order to prove bio-assimilation. To track the amount of carbon given off during the test and the growth of the colony, which would prove bio-assimilation, the researchers used carbon labeling with Carbon-13 atoms. The carbon labeling showed that the locked hydro-carbon chains in the plastic broke down to an open carbon source which the colony of microorganisms could use as a fuel source, breaking the material down completely with no nanoplastics left.

Bio-based resin systems

Only 1% of plastic is currently manufactured from bio-based sources

From its sanitary properties for health care to its lightweight characteristic for transportation to its protective ability for preventing food waste, there are undeniable benefits to the flexibility and ubiquitousness of plastic.

We see a future where our society enjoys the benefits of plastic but is no longer reliant on fossil fuel-based resin.

Impact investment, governmental legislation, and consumer pressure toward bio-based content are accelerating rapidly. Our renewable bio-based PE and PP systems will address this market need while profoundly reducing plastic waste and carbon impact.

Closed-loop recycling solutions

Only 9% of plastic is recycled

End-of-life mitigation is decided at the early stages of product development. At Smart Plastic we recognize a sizeable gap in the way plastic products are designed to be disposed of. We want to change that so every plastic product is created with end-of-life mitigation in mind.

We’re creating comprehensive recycling programs that utilize closed-loop strategies

Together with our strategic partners, closed-loop recycling structures will help companies improve the sustainability of their supply chain and significantly reduce the environmental impact of plastic.

These programs are designed to:

  • Maximize the economic value of plastic
  • Optimize industrial systems with technology and logistics
  • Increase recycling rates
  • Reduce carbon impact
  • Create high-value PCR
  • Control nanoplastic waste

Strategic Partnerships

Key partnerships support the foundation of our work

Strategic and technical partners play a key role in the development of our technology and products. They allow us to conduct credible product and market research and enable us to leverage existing networks to have the greatest impact.

It’s integral to our mission that we work with partners who are aligned with our fundamental goals and cornerstones.

Sustainability Leadership & Education

Introducing the Science Center

We’ve designed a digital space where relevant research is available to you in a digestible and transparent way. This resource was created to provide you with credible science in a format that promotes critical thinking, ignites discussion, and leaves you with a yearning to learn more.