Mission Possible: Achieving a Sustainable Future

As part of their Mission Possible campaign, edie released this weekly round-up of five of the best sustainability success stories of the week from across the globe.

Each week edie compiles the top five sustainability wins in its Mission Possible: Achieving a Sustainable Future series.

Last week Procter & Gamble announced new packaging for its Gillette brand that will reduce their annual plastic output by 66 metric tonnes. With a goal of halving the amount of virgin plastic Gillette uses by 2030, this switch is a positive step forward. This is a powerful example of how large-scale organizations can implement strategies to reduce plastic waste without sacrificing quality.

Take a look at the other four sustainability success from last week in the article: P&G reduces plastics and record UK wind bids: The sustainability success stories of the week.

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Each week edie compiles the top five sustainability wins in its Mission Possible: Achieving a Sustainable Future series.

Last week Procter & Gamble announced new packaging for its Gillette brand that will reduce their annual plastic output by 66 metric tonnes. With a goal of halving the amount of virgin plastic Gillette uses by 2030, this switch is a positive step forward. This is a powerful example of how large-scale organizations can implement strategies to reduce plastic waste without sacrificing quality.

Take a look at the other four sustainability success from last week in the article: P&G reduces plastics and record UK wind bids: The sustainability success stories of the week.

Recent News
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What are nanoplastics? An engineer explains concerns about particles too small to see.

Nanoplastics – little bits of plastic, smaller than a pencil eraser – are turning up everywhere and in everything, including the ocean, farmland, food, and human bodies. Now a new term is gaining attention: nanoplastics. These particles are even tinier than microplastics, and that's a huge problem.

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